Volunteer Exam Sessions

Our volunteer examiners have pre-scheduled test sessions on the second Saturday of each month at the St. Clair County Library located at 210 McMorran Blvd, Port Huron, MI 48060. They start at 10:00AM Eastern Time. The Room location my vary so we encourage the people coming in for the test to ask the front counter what room the test will be in.

We also have test sessions every month just before the regular E.M.A.R.C. membership meeting in the friends of the airport building, at the St. Clair County Library. These sessions start at 6:00PM Eastern Time.

The test is $15, and you will need a copy of your driver’s license or passport, and Federal Registration Number (FRN). If applicable, bring either a photocopy of your current Amateur Radio license or a reference copy printed out from the FCC website.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator, Anita Johnson (AD8GY) at (810) 292-2400 or email her at ajoyj1959@gmail.com.

More information could be found at http://www.arrl.org/what-to-bring-to-an-exam-session